All-China Federation of Trade Unions Assessed Zhang Zhaohong Model Worker Innovation Studio

On October 28, the National Model Worker Innovation Studio Assessment Team of All-China Federation of Trade Unions visited the company to assess Zhang Zhaohong Model Worker Innovation Studio. The assessment team was composed of Li Shufeng, grade-II inspector of Hebei Federation of Trade Unions and director of Labor and Economy Department, Ma Xianghao, grade-III researcher, and Chen Bingfeng, deputy director of Labor and Economy Department of the Federation of Trade Unions of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Sun Qin, director of Labor and Economy Department of Fujian Federation of Trade Unions, Yang Fei, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and chairman of the Trade Union of the company, Jiang Yongqing, vice chairman of Quanzhou Federation of Trade Unions attended the assessment, accompanied by Chen Shouchuan, director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Quangang District, Guo Yating, deputy director of Quangang District, and Lin Ruiqun, executive vice chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Quangang District.

Sun Qin chaired the briefing meeting of Zhang Zhaohong's Model Worker Innovation Studio. He commented that the intent of this assessment was to explore highlights of model worker innovation, exchange experience and learn good practices, so as to promote the continuous improvement of model worker innovation.

Yang Fei briefly introduced the company and the process of establishing the labor model innovation studio. He commented that the company's model worker innovation work focused on the central tasks, put forward the overall layout of "one platform, three bases and five functions", and continuously strengthened guidance and investment. Adopting the innovative mode of "1 + N", Zhang Zhaohong Model Worker Innovation Studio established four disciplinary groups of "rotating equipment, static equipment, electrical and instrument". On this basis, they built a "five in one" multi-disciplinary comprehensive training center and innovation platform including employee training, skills competition, skills appraisal, innovation, profit creation, joint building and sharing.

Zhang Zhaohong, the lead of the National Model Worker Innovation Studio, reported on the innovation work in terms of employee training, skill competition, skill appraisal, innovation and profit creation, joint building and sharing, and introduced the key focuses in the next step.

During communication, Chen Bingfeng affirmed that Zhang Zhaohong Model Worker Innovation Studio carried out innovation work and profit improvement actions based on the actual situation of the company. He commented that the innovation work of the Studio was professional and comprehensive, with rich contents in various forms. The Studio well integrated theory and innovation, training and skill competition, difficulties tackling and business operation, which delivered good results, cultivated talents and fostered an outstanding workforce.

Ma Xianghao commented on the work of Zhang Zhaohong Model Worker Innovation Studio from three aspects: site utilization, transformation of innovation results, and procedures and regulations. He said that the Innovation Studio had a good system with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. The members of the Studio performed duties and carried out innovation focusing on the key tasks of the company. Their achievements closely served the actual situation of the company, and the transformation rate of innovation results was high, which greatly contributed to quality and profit improvement of the company.

Li Shufeng commented in his closing speech that the intent of this assessment was mainly for providing experience for the construction and reform of industrial worker team through learning and exchange, so as to build a knowledge-based and innovative workforce. He said that the outstanding performance of Zhang Zhaohong Model Worker Innovation Studio played a good benchmarking and exemplary role, which was inseparable from the strong support of local government and the company. He hoped persistent efforts would be made on improving system, completing functions, standardizing construction and transforming results, further explore cross-industry and cross-discipline integration, and through innovation alliances, drive the innovation work to a new level and make greater contributions to the company and the society.

In recent years, Zhang Zhaohong Model Worker Innovation Studio adopted the "1 + N" construction mode and established four discipline groups including rotating equipment, static equipment, electrical and instrument, realized the full coverage of equipment disciplines and became a base for all-discipline training and profit improvement. In 2020, the Studio was awarded the National Model Worker and Craftsman Talent Innovation Studio, and became the leading unit of model worker cluster in petrochemical field of Southwest Fujian Model Worker Alliance. (Zhang Lei)