The Company held 2018 Shareholders Audit Gaps Closure Follow-up Meeting

In the afternoon of July 3rd, the follow-up meeting for 2018 Shareholders Audit Gaps Closure was held in the conference room on the 15th floor of Fulian Building. The OOP members Mr. Joost Emmen, Mr. Nouraddin A. Yousuf, Mr. Lin Xu and Mr. Zhao Tianxing attended the meeting. The chief auditor, department general managers, representatives of internal control attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the general situation of the audit findings was briefed. The audit findings were mainly in five aspects: production safety, procurement management, investment and finance, assets and maintenance management, information technology etc., which were mainly about failed to strictly follow Company regulations and produces. The specific requirements for audit gap closure were put forward at the meeting, requiring all departments to assign responsible persons, define closure time and closure measures.

At the meeting, general managers of each department explained the problems that they were responsible for, and put forward the planned measures to close the gaps. The closure measures developed by each department were reviewed at the meeting, and adjustment comments  were put forward.

At the end of the meeting, all departments were required to pay close attention to problems rectification, keep improving the rectification plan in accordance with the audit recommendations, actively promote the implementation of rectification measures, and follow up the progress of the gap closure regularly, so as to ensure that the gaps were closed within the due date. The departments were also required to take the rectification as an opportunity to constantly improve regulations and management.

This shareholders joint audit began on April 9th, with on-site audit completed on May 14th. In the whole audit process, all departments actively cooperated with the audit team and met its requirements. For the audit finding, each department developed rectification measures and gap closure plans. Up to now, corresponding closure plan for each audit finding have been received as per the required schedule of the audit team. (Wang Xiaoping)