Yasser Mufti, Executive Vice President of Saudi Aramco, Visited the Company

On August 24, Yasser Mufti, Executive VP of Aramco Products & Customers, Faisal Faqeer, Senior VP of Aramco Liquid to Chemical Development, and Saleh Zaid, President of Aramco Asia, among others, visited FREP.

OOP of the Company, Lin Xu, Suchart Phowatthanasathian, Li Ji and Haytham Zamzami met with Mr. Yasser Mufti and his delegation, and accompanied the visit.

On behalf of OOP, Lin Xu reported to Mr. Yasser Mufti and his delegation on FREP work safety, operation and management, preparations for the upcoming TA and development planning.

Lin Xu said that since the beginning of this year, FREP has actively responded to the complex and severe situation by focusing on the “‘three priorities of safety, environmental protection and stable operation, three battles of TA/Revamp, benefits creation, and work safety, and three constructions of smart factory, talent team and work style”, steadily advanced all tasks and thus has achieved new outcomes. The Company plant will be completely shut down in mid-October this year for the TA. It is now the home stretch before the tough battle of the TA with six-year interval, and the whole Company is making every effort to prepare for it.

Lin Xu said that the Company management continued to focus on key areas, formulated and implemented the annual performance improvement plan, continuously improved business performance, overcame difficulties and moved forward under pressure at the end of operation cycle prior to the TA with six-year interval, and resolutely fought the three battles of work safety, benefits creation, and TA. He expressed his gratitude to the Saudi shareholder for its guidance and concern for FREP’s production, operation, reform and development. He hoped that with the strong support and sincere help of the shareholders, FREP would continue to move forward towards the vision ofbecoming a world-class petrochemicalcompany with sustainable competitiveness.

Yasser Mufti said that he was very happy to visit FREP as it was about to usher in the TA with six-year interval, and met with members of OOP and the management. He said that TA is a tough task, and we must attach great importance to safety, continuously improve efficiency, strictly control quality, ensure the successful completion of the TA, and lay a sound foundation for the units to cope with severe market challenges. As it is the end of operation cycle before the TA, special attention should be paid to the operation reliability of the equipment to ensure safe and stable operation of units.

Yasser Mufti said that bothChinese and foreign shareholders paid close attention to the medium- and long-term development planning work being carried out by FREP, and supported FREP in its efforts to operate, plan and develop well, return shareholders with more outstanding business performance, and maintain and consolidate the sound cooperative relationship among shareholders.

Yasser Mufti and his delegation visited the Exhibition Hall and production unit area of the Company with great interest. (Xiao Wanyuan)