肩负使命任务 筑牢发展根基—公司召开第四届管理层全体会议

Shouldering the Missions and Tasks and Laying a Solid Foundation for Development

——The Company Held the Fourth PlenaryMeeting of the Management

On July 1, the Company held the FourthPlenary Meeting of the Management and announced the appointment decisions for secondees in the organizational structure for the fourth term of the Company. OOP members attended the meeting and delivered speeches, and heads of departments and management personnel at or above the manager level attended the meeting.

With the approval of the Company's Board of Directors, Lin Xu will act as the President, and Suchart Phowatthanasathian, Li Ji and Haytham Zamzami will serve as Vice Presidents.

Lin Xu expressed his gratitude for the trust and support of the Board of Directors and extended a warm welcome to the new secondees. He said that the new management is charged with heavy responsibilities and glorious missions. It is necessary to seek alignment in thinking, gather strength, anchor targets and work on them with stepped up efforts, focus on priorities and achieve practical results, resolutely guard the "three main lines" of safety, environmental protection, and stable operation, win the "three battles" of TA, turning losses into profits, and high-quality development, promote the constructions of smart factories, talent teams, and work style, ensure the full completion of the wohle-year targets and tasks, and strive to build a world-class petrochemical company with sustainable competitiveness.

Lin Xu emphasized that we must persevere in carrying out the set blueprint until it becomes reality. Realizing the corporate vision of “becoming a world-class petrochemical company with sustainable competitiveness” is a long-term relay race. To this end, we must abide by the corporate vision, stay committed to the corporate development policy and business management philosophy, and insist on ensuring implementation and being down-to-earth. We must conscientiously implement decisions and arrangements, be market-oriented, benefits-centered, use innovations as a means, adhere to the best practices of HSE management, strengthen cross-functional communication and collaboration, and continuously enhance the Company's competitiveness.

We must insist on ensuring 100% safety. The Company is in a juncture of weathering difficulties. We must objectively comprehend the characteristics at the current stage, thoroughly look into and identify outstanding issues, earnestly implement improvement measures, always put safe and stable operation first, and transform the strong sense of responsibility into "the execution which make you feel sure of everything", resolutely curb incidents and accidents, and effectively facilitate the work safety situation to transition towards stabilization and improvement.

We must stay committed to pragmatism and responsibility. Managements at all levels should strengthen their sense of responsibility for engaging in great undertakings, the sense of urgency that time and tide wait for no man, and the sense of pressure that if you do not move forward you will fall behind. They should lead by example, exercise leadership, and improve execution. Do not take what we said as what we did, and take what we did as what we have accomplished.Must strengthen problem-oriented thinking and make our work more targeted and effective through identifying and solving problems. We must carry forward the spirit of overcoming difficulties, be adept at grasping the main contradictions and the critical few, and with the "execution force" that leaves a mark even on iron and the "confidence" of If I can't do it, who can?, promotedaily progress, monthly breakthroughs, and annual changes of all tasks.

We must improve our work style by demonstrating unity and collaboration. Unity fosters cohesion, fighting capacity and talents. FREP is a big family, and everyone is a family member. We must love and maintain this family, always put the overall interests of the Company and work first, work together to weather difficulties,demonstrate alignment in thinking and actions, form a pattern of top-down interaction, horizontal coordination, and joint management, and strive to gather a powerful strength that is invincible.

To forge iron, one must be strong himself. We must always bear in mind that every word and action of the critical few serves as a "weather vane", always maintain high standards and strict requirements, consciously abide by rules and regulations, keep a tight grip on the "steering wheel" of power, and fasten the "seat belt" of integrity. We must strengthen tracking and supervision over the entire process and links of work implementation, and focus on solving the "middle obstruction" and "last mile" problems in execution and implementation.

Lin Xu emphasized that we must focus on and concentrate our efforts on doing a good job in current tasks. First, we must resolutely keep to the bottom lines and red lines of safety and environmental protection, and keep the main line of safe and stable operation; second, we must resolutely fight the battle of turning losses into profits, focus on “procurement and sales”, and promote “production", reduce costs, control expenses, and strive to achieve the targets of turning losses into profits and maximizing benefits; third, we must fully promote the systematic planning of TA, and ensure safe, environmentally friendly, high-quality, smooth and on-time completion of the TA tasks; fourth, we must strengthen the "Three Basics" to consolidate the foundation, promote significant improvements in primary level management and basic works, and continuously consolidate the production and operation foundation of the Company.

Suchart Phowatthanasathian pointed out that we must ensure safety, reliability and profitability. To this end, we must resolutely prevent high severity incidents, continuously consolidate the foundation for reliability, and actively respond to severe market challenges. We must uphold teamwork, strengthen owner awareness, insist that talent is the primary resource, continuously improve the quality of personnel, build a strong talent team, and train and use talents to the maximum extent possible. We must adhere to high standards and strict requirements, focus on benchmark and alignment to ensure high standards are observed in our systems and regulations, work on verification and implementation to ensure high standards are enforced on site, and lay a solid foundation for safe operation.

Li Ji emphasized that all tasks for this year should focus on three key tasks: work safety, benefits creation and TA. At present, the units have entered the end of run featuring a TA for every six years. While making good preparations for the TA, we must also, with high sense of responsibility, strengthen rounds inspections and care, eliminate potential operation hazards, and control risks and stabilize operations. We must scientifically organize and meticulously manage the TA, pay close attention to process control, and strictly control maintenance quality to ensure that we can shut down and start up smoothly after effectively launching the TA, maintain steady progress, pursue long-term developments, and make real benefits.

Haytham Zamzami pointed out that all employees are members of the FREP ship and should always uphold the concept of "One Team, One Goal", meet challenges together with shared future. Functional departments should base themselves on fulfilling their responsibilities, anchor their targets and tasks, take practical measures, serve and ensure work safety, focus on the present and look to the future, firmly believe that "small changes can lead to extraordinary results", and steadily and unswervingly push the Company to achieve fresh results in its tasks, so that the giant ship FREP can move forward firmly in cleaving through the waves.

At the meeting, the newly appointed General Managers from departments, including Process Department, Mechanical Department, T&P Department, HSE Department, M&S Department, S&D Department, HR&A Department, and Finance Department, made statements. (Zhang Lei)