The Company Management Visited the Frontline Employees in Summer

The sun is scorching and the heat wave is rolling. The high temperature has continued in recent days. The Company's employees have fought against the high temperature and scorching heat, stayed at their posts, and worked hard to ensure safe and stable production.

The continuous hot and muggy weather has put front-line employees through severe tests and has always been a concern for management of the Company. On the morning of July 22, which was the solar term of Great Heat in the lunar calendar, Company management Zhang Xiguo, Lin Xu, Suchart Phowatthanasathian, and Haytham Zamzami went to the production frontline to visit the employees who were working hard under the high temperature, and brought cool to the front-line employees.

Zhang Xiguo and Suchart Phowatthanasathian successively visited the field operatorrooms and production sites of Fuels-1 Business Team, Olefin Business Team, Electrical Operation Module, PO Business Team, PO Product Packaging Line, Firefighting Brigade, and EOEG Business Team, and presented refreshing drinks to the employees.

In the field operatorroom of Fuels-1 Business Team, Zhang Xiguo and Suchart Phowatthanasathian greeted the employees on duty one by one and had cordial conversations with them. They inquired in detail about the current production status of the units, repeatedly reminded them to protect themselves in the high temperate and intense heat of summer, implement heatstroke prevention and cooling measures, and required the contractors to work in staggered hours to ensure safe construction.

At SCsite, Zhang Xiguo inquired in detail about the preparations for the 2024 TA. He emphasized that the TA is the Company's key task this year. Currently, the preparation for the TA has entered the most critical home straight. Start-up and shutdown coordination, material procurement, DED review of technical measure projects, on-site prefabrication and other tasks are being accelerated in full swing. We must firmly establish the idea that the success of the TA depends 30% on maintenance and 70% on preparations. Based on the long-term operation targets, we must truly shoulder the primaryresponsibilities for maintaining the units, make solid steps to ensure operation and maintenance management of units at the end of run and implementation of the TA works, ensure that all preparations for the TA are completed on schedule, and that the units can be shut down and well maintained.

Zhang Xiguo and Suchart Phowatthanasathian also exchanged views with Huang Xiaobin, a model worker of Fujian Province and a safety engineer of HSE Department, and Wu Liangjiang, a model worker of Fujian Province and a production support engineer of Process Department, who were assigned to Olefin Business Team to support work safety training and on-site safety management, hoped that they would give playto their role as models, support the BT in doing “Three Basics” work, and effectively keep to the red line and bottom line of work safety.

Lin Xu and Haytham Zamzami visited the field operation rooms of Fuels-2 Business Team, Aromatics Business Team, Offsites Business Team, Product Quality Center, Mechanical Department, Engineer Building, Terminal Business Team and staff cafeteria in the plant area, sentcool drinks, and reminded everyone to combine work and rest, stagger operations, and work on heatstroke prevention and cooling down.

In the Central Control Room, Lin Xu and Haytham Zamzami had cordial conversations with the employees, inquiring in detail about the operation of the units, and emphasized that under home straight for the TA, hoping that everyone will work hard, fulfill their responsibilities, work even harder to identify potential hazards, and truly control risks and stabilize operations.

In the file operation room, Lin Xu and Haytham Zamzami carefully learned about the environment and facilities, and stressed the need to move faster to put the newly built field operation room into operation, gradually improve the environment of the field operation room, create a warm and comfortable working environment for front-line employees, and continuously enhance their sense of happiness and belonging.

Lin Xu and Haytham Zamzami inquired in detail about the staffing of each Business Team, emphasizing that the Company is in a stage of alternation between the old and the new employees, and it is crucial to train and cultivate young employees. The Business Teams must innovate training and development approaches and strive to improve the quality and effectiveness of training programs. We must continue to deepen the "apprenticeship" mechanism, give full play to the advantages of the rich experience of older employees, ensure effective mentoring, enable young employees to master post skills as quickly as possible, and accumulate talents for the high-quality development of the Company.

Wherever they went, the Company management shook hands and had cordial conversations with the employees, praised the selfless dedication and silent efforts of the front-line employees, and reminded the relevant departments to take targeted measures to prevent and reduce heat and adopt staggered operations in light of the working characteristics and requirements during high temperature periods, so that everyone can always keep in good condition and build a solid safety defense.

TheCompany management emphasized that the TA has entered the home straight stage, and we still face the heavy task of work safety. High temperature weather is intertwined with typhoon prevention and flood control. We must effectively strengthen heatstroke and flood prevention, coordinate tasks, and maintain the bottom line of safety.

The greeting represented a concern, bringing a refreshing coolness to the hot summer. The cordial greetings from the Company management encouraged the employees. They all expressed their determination to fulfill their duties in their own posts, fulfill their work safety responsibilities, ensure the safe and stable operation of the units, and contribute to the full completion of the whole-year targets and tasks.

It is reported that in response to the high temperature weather, the Company has launched a series of measures and actions such as publicity programs on labor protection, heatstroke prevention and cooling in summer. The Company's labor union sent tea drinks, soda water and other refreshing drinks as well as instant drinks to front-line employees to indicate the care of the labor union. (Xiao Wanyuan, Dong Ming, Zhang Lei)