Welcome the “New-Comers” Who Will Set Sail to Gather Fresh Strength for Development

The summer is coming to its end as the autumn wind is embracing us gently. On August 27, the Company held the meeting for welcoming the new employees for 2024, assigning posts and reporting training results in the Technology Hall.

Company managements Lin Xu, Yang Fei, Suchart Phowatthanasathian, Li Ji and Haytham Zamzami attended the new employee welcome meeting and delivered speeches. Heads of relevant functional departments and business teams of the Company also attended the welcome meeting.

Lin Xu congratulated the new employees on joining the FREP family and starting the first chapter of their career. He encouraged new employees to work hard on their posts to master skills and become useful talents as soon as possible. He put forward three expectations for them:

First, be a “practitioner” of safety. Safety is the foundation based on which an enterprise seeks to develop itself. We must firmly establish and always practice the safety concept of no one gets hurt under my watch, protect ourselves and others, strictly abide by operating procedures, strictly manage on-site operations, translate safety awareness into specific actions, and truly put safety first.

Second, be aconstructor” of culture. Only common ideas and values can ensure that all of us in the Company are fully aligned, take unified steps and act in unison. After 17 years of development, the Company has achieved remarkable results and fostered an excellent corporate culture. We must feel it with our hearts, jointly build a cultural home, and inherit and carry forward the fine traditions.

Third, be an activist” in learning. If the foundation is not solid, the earth will tremble and the mountains will sway. We must lay a soliddiscipline foundation, bend down and take root at the frontline post, learn conscientiously based on our posts, combine theories with practices, and give top priority to learning technical skills for the moment. Think hard, dare to ask questions, and be determined to become experts.

In the face of difficulties and setbacks that may be encountered in the process of growth, we must remain attentive, patient, and calm. We must study skills diligently to continuously improve capacity; we must patiently overcome difficulties and let the sufferings and hardships become a ladder for growth; we must look at opportunities and development with a proper attitude, refrain from becoming complacent because of temporary achievements, and from giving up because of temporary difficulties. Only by building on accumulated strength can a person achieve great things.

Lin Xu hoped that all organizations would attach great importance to the growth and development of young employees, create favorable conditions for new employees to fit into the Company and adapt to the environment, and manage them strictly yet treat them kindly, take good care of them, and provide them earnest guidance to pave the way for young people, so that the young generation can grow into the elite and mainstay of the Company as soon as possible, and continue to strive to build a world-class petrochemical company with sustainable competitiveness.

Yang Fei hoped that new employees would be confident and self-reliant, confident in their career choices, and confident in their growth. He hoped that they must work hard in a down-to-earth manner and carry forward the fine traditions of the petroleum and petrochemical industry of three values and four musts and hard work, grow and develop in work and life. They must look up at the starry sky, and even more they must keep their feet on the ground. They must be bold and daring in doing, carry forward the innovative culture of youth working in petrochemical industry of “daring to innovate, exceed, staying realistic and pragmatic, and persevering, actively engage in innovative practices such as energy conservation and consumption reduction, improving quality and profitability, and contribute to innovation and benefits creation of the Company. They must discipline themselves ideologically and behaviorally. Being an integral person is the prerequisite for get things well done, and being morally and mentally mature constitutes the foundation for accomplishing things. Young people should not only improve their talents and skills through learning and practices, but also even more maintain a righteous mind and foster inner integrity, be capable, trustworthy and disciplined, and run at the acceleration of youth on the track of youth.

Suchart Phowatthanasathian required new employees to pay attention to safety. The production of petrochemical enterprises is characterized by high temperature, high pressure, flammability and explosiveness, so it is necessary for them to pay more attention to safety and environmental protection. We must abide by the rules and regulations. We must have awe for the responsibilities, disciplines, and systems of the Company as well as for our work. We must study hard, take every days work as an opportunity to improve ourselves and grow, make full use of the work platform provided by the Company, and strive to grow; must be diligent and inquisitive, and humbly seek advice from people around us. This is a necessary process for learning and growth.

Li Ji hoped that new employees would get off to a good start in their careers, adapt to their posts as quickly as possible, strengthen learning and exercise, and become qualified employees as soon as possible. He also hoped that they would take every step of the growth path well. Young employees should know how to adapt themselves when facing difficulties and setbacks when they start working, and management personnel should provide them coaching and help them overcome career bottlenecks. They should actively explore and be willing to persevere in their work. No matter what kind of work tasks they face, they should use patience and perseverance to achieve extraordinary results in ordinary posts, show themselves, win respect, and become a new force for the safe, stable operation and high-quality development of the Company.

Haytham Zamzami delivered a welcome speech on behalf of OOP, and hoped that new employees would have lofty ambitions while working in a down-to-earth manner. New employees should start from the basics, find the right direction for their career development, make a little progress every day, and achieve the goals they set for themselves step by step. They should fear no hardships and persevere. Frontline work is inevitably hard and tiring, but new employees should fear no hardships, persevere and lay a good foundation for their career development. They should blaze new trails in a pioneering spirit and empower themselveswith digital technology. Scientific and technological innovation has become a new label for the petrochemical industry, so they must be open-minded, pioneering and innovative, keep up with industry development trends, and drive transformation and development of the Company.

At the welcome meeting, employee representatives who joined the Company in 2023, Li Shiying and Gu Jinsheng, shared their personal growth thoughts, vividly interpreted the meaning of struggle and responsibility with their own experiences, and called on new employees to find a better self in terms of how to improve their discipline skills and work capacity.

At the meeting, representatives from the four study groups of new employees reported on their orientation training, demonstrated their youthful style, and expressed their desire and determination to integrate into the big family and adapt to their new roles as soon as possible.

At the meeting, Company managements presented awards to “outstanding trainees” and “outstanding trainee teams”.

It is reported that there are 105 graduates joining the Company this year, including 37 with bachelors degrees or above, from well-known domestic universities such as Zhejiang University, Xiamen University, Central South University, China University of Petroleum, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Nanjing Tech University, Wuhan University of Technology, Fuzhou University, Changzhou University, and Xi'an Shiyou University. Their arrival has injected fresh blood and power into the Company’s development. (Xiao Wanyuan)