
TheCompany Held a Commendation Conference to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC and Commend the "Two Outstanding and One Advanced" Employees

On July 1, the Company held a commendation conference to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the CPC and commend the "Two Outstanding and One Advanced" employees. The conference reviewed the glorious history of the Party, sang praises of the Party's great achievements, inherited theParty's glorious traditions, carried forward the Party's fine work styles, commended the advanced, summarized experience, and called on all Party members to gather strength, stay united and work hard, engage in real practicesand solid work, overcome difficulties, and strive to complete the whole-year targets and tasks.

Zhang Xiguo, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Company, attended the conference and gave a special Party lecture. Zhao Tianxing, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, presided over the conference. The Company management, includingLin Xu, Lai Shuiming, Hong Xiaojiang, Li Ji, Ding Hongbo, and Liu Jiangwen, and Huang Jinping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Gulei Petrochemical Company, attended the conference. Secretaries of frontline Party general branches and branches, representatives of "Two Outstanding and One Advanced", and new Party members were also present at the conference. Gulei Petrochemical Company has set up a video branch venue.

In his speech, Zhang Xiguo reviewed the glorious journey of our Party uniting and leading the Chinese people in making unremitting efforts, the theoretical achievements it has created, the valuable experience it has accumulated, and the great contributions it has made. He called on all Party members to study and get educated on Party disciplines in a deep-going manner in light of actual conditions, act on the specific instructions and requirements set out in the Sinopec Group annual work conference and of Chairman Ma Yongsheng when he visited the Company to supervise the work on work safety, learn from lessons and quickly reverse the passive situation in work safety. He also called on all Party members to boost the pioneering and fighting spirit to tide over difficulties together, innovate and improve profitability, promote continuous improvement in the quality and effectiveness of the Company's Party building, and strive to complete the whole-year targets and tasks.

On behalf of the Company’s Party Committee, Zhang Xiguo extended warm congratulations to the advanced collectives and individuals who were commended, and extended holiday greetings and blessings to all Party members.

Zhang Xiguo emphasized that the Party members and cadres must improve their Party consciousness, consolidate their foundation and forge a character as strong as steel. First, we must continue to deepen Party spirit education based on strengthening discipline building. We must make good use of the opportunity of Party discipline learning and education, explore new ways to carry out Party spirit education, continue to study and implement the Regulation of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Actions, and find the right starting point for Party spirit education; second, we must fundamentally build on maintaining the Party's advanced nature, continue to focus on forging Party spirit, always strengthen political consciousness, rule consciousness, demonstration consciousness, lead consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, and continuously improve the overall comprehensive quality of the team; third, we must take maintaining the purity of the Party as the bottom line, continue to strengthen Party spirit cultivation, attach great importance to adopting an integrated approach to addressing the problems in connection with work style and corruption, and pay attention to avoiding departmentalism.

Zhang Xiguo pointed out that the Party members and cadres must carry forward our revolutionary heritages, inherit the revolutionary spirit and build a solid foundation for safety. First, we must inherit and carry forward the spirit of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and tackle the "hard bones" of rectifications and implementations. For issues such as the effectiveness of the HES management system and inadequate risk control capabilities, we must do everything possible to promote rectifications,be more fully aware of where the redlines stand, and avoid burying our heads in the sand; second, we must inherit and carry forward the spirit of the Long March and hand in a "high-scoring paper" for the maintenance work. We must carefully identify risks at the end of units run, fully get contractors ready, continue to advance material preparation, and strengthen safety monitoring of critical operation steps; third, we must inherit and carry forward the iron man spirit and leverage the "heirloom” of “Three Basics” work. We must further strengthen 5S management and strengthen the standardization of shift team facilities and on-site standardized management. We must strengthen the ideological education of employees, inherit and carry forward the enterprising spirit of self-reliance and hard work, the fine work style of "three honesty and four strictness", and "Upholding the same work standard no matter it is day or night, bad weather or good weather, and no matter whether the management is present or not, an inspection is forthcoming or not". We must advance our tasks of rectifying formalism and bureaucracy in the field of work safety on a regular and long-term basis and reducing the burden on frontline organizations.

Zhang Xiguo emphasized that the Party members and cadres should make contributions to the great cause of national rejuvenation, uphold fundamental principles and break new grounds to improve the quality and profitability of business operations. First, we must pool the wisdom and efforts of everyone to achieve maximum benefits. To this end, we must continue to deepen marketization, integration, costs reduction, continue to deepen benchmarking and unit cost driver analysis, continue to deepen unit stability management and plant-wide optimization, and continue to deepen scientific and technological innovations; second, we must go all out to promote project development. With respect to the Gulei Phase II project, we should continue to advance project approval, joint venture negotiations, technical comparison and selection of major units, and on-site preparation work; FREP should focus on strengthening and supplementing its industrial chain and strive to make up for its shortcomings; Gulei Petrochemical Company should accelerate the implementation of "rapid spike" projects, focus on developing new areas for generating profits, and help turn losses into profits; third, we should focus on improving management efficiency of the joint venture. We will continue to deepen the construction of the investment management platform, continue to deepen the construction of the three teams, advance the initiative to deepen reforms, benchmark againstthe world's first-class value creation actions, further improve the construction of a strategic and intensive financial control system, and focus on deepening legal compliance management.

Zhao Tianxing stressed the need to thoroughly implement the guiding principles set out in the conference. He pointed out that first, we must work hard to strengthen our Party consciousness. Through Party discipline learning and education, thematic actions, etc., we must consciously strengthen Party spirit, continuously enhance employees' sense of ownership and dedication, and promote the integration of petroleum spirit and petrochemical traditions into the mindset of cadres and employees and into their daily behaviors; second, we must take practical measures in HSE management. To this end, we must pay close attention to production operations, refine management specialization, implement requirements for regular work, and stay prepared for typhoon prevention and flood control, lightning protection, and anti-static work in advance; we must strengthen management of high-temperature operations, pay close attention to high-temperature weather forecasts and high-temperature warnings, and reasonably arrange for operation plans and operation time based on actual on-site conditions; third, we must see substantial results in improving efficiency and profitability. To this end, we must make better surveys and judgments on marketdynamics, and timely optimize crude oil (raw material) procurement, production operations, etc.; we must further promote the coordinated development of the Quangang and Gulei bases; on the basis of effectively implementing existing quality and profitability improvement projects, we must actively seek new directions and explore new projects; fourth, we must formulate pragmatic policies to promote development. To this end, we must accelerate the preparations for the Gulei Phase II project; we must speed up the implementation of measures of FREP and Gulei Petrochemical to improve quality and profitability and reduce costs. The headquarter of the Company should give play to its functions of "supervision, coordination and service" and facilitate the working groups of shareholders to give play to their role in supporting and guiding the joint venture in carrying out its work.

The meeting reported on the advanced collectives and outstanding individuals commended by the Quanzhou Municipal Party Committee, read out the Company's commendation decision on "Two Outstanding and One Advanced" and awarded the prizes.(Xuanwen)