Asia Pacific Financial Director and North Asia Financial Director of ExxonMobil Visited the Company

On May 15, Mr. Hugo Sietses, Chief Accountant of ExxonMobil Asia Pacific, Mr. Thomas Fisher, Chief Accountant of ExxonMobil North Asia, and Ms. Nora w of ExxonMobil Fujian Joint Venture Coordination Office, visited the Company. Lin Xu and Suchart Phowatthanasathian, Vice Presidents of the Company met with the visiting delegation and held exchanges.

Lin Xu and Suchart Phowatthanasathian welcomed Hugo Sietses and Thomas Fisher to visit the Company, expressed their gratitude to ExxonMobil for providing professional technical management talents and sharing advanced management systems to the Company, and introduced the specific situation of the unit scale, product types, market conditions, production processes, development plans, etc.

Hugo Sietses and Thomas Fisher expressed their appreciation for the achievements made by FREP under the leadership of the OOP, introduced ERP system upgrade project, artificial intelligence application and energy transition being implemented by ExxonMobil across the entire Group Company, and shared the developments, changes and impacts brought by the work.

Accompanied by Vice President Suchart Phowatthanasathian, Hugo Sietses, Thomas Fisher and their delegation visited the Company’s office area, exhibition hall and production unit at the plant area, and shared the report on financial position of the Company. (Su Hang)