The Company Held the 4th meeting of the Third Term BAC

On May 17, the Company held the 4th meeting of the third term Board Audit Committee (the BAC). Entrusted by Liu Xiangdong, Chairman of the BAC of the Company, director Zhao Tianxing chaired the meeting.

At the meeting, the reports on the Follow-ups of the Last BAC Meeting, Completion of the Internal Audit Plan, as well as the Internal Audit Work Report, the External Audit Work Report and the Company's Control Report were presented.

The members of the BAC affirmed the Company management's efforts and the improvements in control and cyber security, and paid attention to the Smart Company Project, cyber security and internal control management. They expected the Company management to proactively promote relevant work and continuously improve control management performance.

At the meeting, the Financial Report of 2022 of the Company audited by PwC was approved. (Liu Zhaoyu)